viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Adjective (4º)

The biggest
The smallest
The longest
The oldest
The youngest
The narrowest
The highest
The driest
The happiest
The hottest
The wettest
The coldest

Oral exam 4º (unit 3)

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Oral exam Unit 3 (3º)

Unit 3 (3º)

1. I am making a snowman. Yo estoy haciendo un muñeco de nieve.
2. You are playing ice hockey. Tú estás jugando al hockey sobre hielo.
3. She is skating. Ella está patinando.
4. They are skiing. Ellos están esquiando.
5. I am sledging. Yo estoy montando/viajando en trineo.
6. He is throwing snowballs. Él está tirando bolas de nieve.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

UNIDAD 2 (3º)

- salty: salado
- sweet: dulce
- sour: ácido
- cake: pastel
- can: lata
- bag: bolsa
- box: caja
- packet: paquete

Respuestas fotocopia 
1. I play
2. You start
3. We have got
4. They don't watch (not watch)
5. She doesn't get up (not get up)
6. He doesn't go (not go)
7. What time do I get up?
8. What does she do after school?
9. He plays
10. Susan goes
11. Paul and Susan go
12. My grandfather doesn't live
13. My sisters walk
14. My best friend likes
15. My brother and I have

2º)1. She isn't
2. We are
3. Paul and Marta aren't
4. You are
5. He is
6. They aren't
9. I am
10. We aren't
11. Is she?
12. Are you?

Ejercicio pizarra
1. I____do__ (do) my homework.
2. She___doesn't do_______(not do) her homework.
3. He __plays___ (play) football
4. It__doesn't play________(not play) football.
5. Mary _thinks_____ (think).
6. Mary and Paul_eat_____(eat) chips.
7. Tom__doesn't eat____ (not eat) chocolate.
8. __Does_she _play___(play) football?
9.__Do_ you__eat__ (eat) a sandwich?

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

What's your favourite sport? My favourtie sport is...

- Passes: pases
- shoot: tirar a  portería
- kick off: hacer el saque inicial
- score: anotar/guardar
- tackle: entrada/ entrar a
- team: equipo
- match: partido
- foul: falta
- win: ganar
- lose: perder
- card: tarjeta
- goal: gol

How often (4)

How often does he/ she/ it…?
How often do I/ you/ we/ they…?
Once a week: una vez a la semana 
Twice a week: dos veces por semana 
Three times a week: tres veces por semana 
Four times a week: cuatro veces por semana 
Month: mes; year: año 
Never: nunca. She never plays.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Actividades de la fotocopia (3º)

1º) It tastes
My sister loves
she thinks
it tastes
she likes
combination sounds

2. Does he have dinner in the kitchen?
3. Do my jeans look dirty?
4. Does the cake look delicious?
5. Do banana sandwiches taste sweet?
6. Does she have a salad for lunch?

2º) 2. Do you have dinner with your family?
3. Do cucumber sandwiches taste good?
4. Does chocolate taste bad?
5. Do you have biscuits for breakfast?
6. Does your room look messy?

3º)2. We love (love)
3. I don't like (not like) It tastes (taste)
4. Your bedroom _looks__ (look)
5. They don't agree (not agree)
6. My new snack has got (have got)

Present Simple (Activity)

1. I______ (do) my homework.
2. She__________(not do) her homework.
3. He _____ (play) football
4. It__________(not play) football.
5. Mary ______ (think).
6. Mary and Paul______(eat) chips.
7. Tom______ (not eat) chocolate.
8. ___she ____(play) football?
9.___ you____ (eat) a sandwich?

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Actividad fotocopia (3º)

Activity 1 
2. Does he have dinner in the kitchen?
3. Do my jeans look dirty?
4. Does the cake look delicious?
5. Do banana sandwiches taste sweet?
6. Does she have a salad for lunch?


likes (gusta)
plays (juega)
thinks (piensa)
loves (ama)
I/ You/ We/ They
1. He doesn't like. (A él no le gusta)
2. She doesn't play. (Ella no juega)
3. It doesn't think (No piensa)
4. He doesn't love (Él no ama)

I/ You/ We/ They + don't
1. I don't like (A mí no me gusta)
2. You don't play (Tú no juegas)
3. We don't think ( Nosotros no pensamos).
4. They don't love (Ellos no aman)
Does he/ she/ it/ + verb?
1. Does he like?
2. Does she play?
3. Does it think?
4. Does he love?

Do I/ you/ we/ they + verb?
1. Do I like?
2. Do you play?
3. Do we think?
4. Do they love?

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016


1. I go
2. We sometimes use
3. My friends study
4. School finishes
5.You live
6. He likes
7. She does
8. We play
9. I watch
10. My mother teaches

1. I don't study...
2. School doesn't finish...
3. You don't copy...
4. We don't think...
5. My friends don't play...
6. I don't watch...
7. She doesn't speak...
8. The dog doesn't like...
9. They don't listen...
10. I don't play...

1. Do you live at school? No, I don't.
2. Do students eat in the canteen? Yes, they do.

1. I don't play basketball.
2. She doesn't play basketball
3. Do we play basketball?

TO BE (4º)

1. You aren't a good person./ 1. Are you a good person?
2. I haven't got a mobile phone./ 2. Have you got a mobile phone?/ Have I got a mobile phone?
3. She isn't in the cinema./ Is she in the cinema?
4. We haven't got a nice dog./ Have we got a nice dog?
5. They aren't from Italy./ Are they from Italy?
6. I haven't got a blue skirt./ Have you got a blue skirt?/ Have I got a blue skirt?
7. She hasn't got a nice hat./ Has she got a nice hat?
8. Ann isn't my aunt./ Is Ann my aunt?
9. They haven't got a blue car./ Have they got a blue car?
10. She isn't friendly./ Is she friendly?
7. She hasn't got a nice hat./ Has she got a nice hat?
8. Ann isn't my aunt./ Is Ann my aunt?
9. They haven't got a blue car./ Have they got a blue car?
10. She isn't friendly./ Is she friendly?

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

There is/ There are (3º)

- There is: hay. Nombres en singular o incontables.
- There is a table: Hay una mesa.
- There is a chair: Hay una silla.
- There is some water: Hay agua.
- There isn't: no hay.
- There isn't a table: No hay una mesa.
- There isn’t a chair: No hay una silla.
- There isn’t any wáter: No hay agua.

- There are: hay. Nombres en plural.
- There are four tables.: Hay cuatro mesas.
- There are five chairs.: hay cinco sillas.
- There aren't: no hay.
- There aren't six tables.: No hay seis mesas.

1º) Complete: There is/ there are.
- There is (hay): a/an (un/una)
- There isn’t: no hay.
- There are: cuando es plural (lleva la s).
- There aren’t: No hay

1.  There are …. balloons (globos). 
- There aren’t balloons. No hay globos. 

2.  There is …a girl with curly hair.
 - There isn’t a girl with curly hair. No hay una chica con pelo rizado.

3.  There is.. a man with glasses. 

4.  There are … chairs.

5.   There are … cars.

6.  There is.. food (comida).

7.  There are. tables. 

  1.       There are three cats
  2.       There is an apple.
  3.       There are books on the table.
  4.       There is a supermarket.
  5.       There are two windows.
  6.       There is a girl.
  7.       There are five cars.
  8.       There is milk.
  9.       There are four pencils.

  10.     There is a table. 

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016


1. Where are you from? I am half Spanish and half French.
2. What language do people speak in Spain? They speak Spanish.
3. What language does he speak? He speaks German.
4. What language do you speak? I speak English, and you? 
5. Where does she live? She lives in Spain.
6. Where does he live? He lives in Desamparados.
7. What language does she speak? She speaks English.
8. What language does he speak?He speaks French.
9. Inés is from Ecuador. She lives in Quito. She speaks Spanish.
10. Victor is from Romania. He lives in Bucharest. He speaks Romanian.
11. Amelie is from Canada. She lives in Ottawa. She speaks French.
- Samir is from Morocco. He lives in Rabat. He speaks Arabic, French and Spanish.
- Victor is from Romania. He lives in Bucharest. He speaks Romanian.
- Amelie is from Canada. She lives in Ottawa. She speaks French.
- Samir is from Morocco. He lives in Rabat.

Unit 1 (4º)

1. Where does she live? She lives in...
¿Dónde vive ella? Ella vive en...

2. Where does he live? He lives in …
¿Dónde vive él? Él vive en...

3. What language does she speak?
She speaks...
¿Qué idioma habla ella? Ella habla...

4. What language does he speak?
He speaks...
¿Qué idioma habla él? Él habla...

Mike is from … (Mike es de...)
He lives in... (Él vive en...)
He speaks … (Él habla...)

Alba is from... (Alba es de...)
She lives in... (Ella vive en...)
She speaks... (Ella habla...)

1. Inés is from Ecuador. She lives in Quito. She speaks

2. Victor is from Romania. He lives in Bucharest.
He speaks Romanian.

3. Amelie is from Canada. She lives in Ottawa.
She speaks French.

4. Samir is from Morocco. He lives in Rabat.
He speaks Arabic, French and Spanish.

5. Liu Yang is from China. She lives in Beijing.
She speaks Chinese.

6. Martin is from New Zealand. He lives in Wellington.
He speaks English.

I am …. I am from Spain. I live in Desamparados.
I speak Spanish and English.

- Where is Cardiff? It is in Wales.

- Where is Edinburgh? It is in Scotland.

- Where is Belfast? It is in Northern Ireland.

- Where is London? It is in England.

- Where is Dublin? It is in Ireland.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


An example:
I’m going to introduce myself, my name is ….. I live in Desamparados and I am eight years old. I am tall/ short and I am thin/ fat. I have got brown eyes,  small nose and big mouth. I’ve got long hair and I’ve got glasses/ I haven’t got glasses. I am happy/sad.

Me voy a presentar, mi nombre es… Yo vivo en Desamparados y tengo ocho años. Yo soy alto/ bajo y soy delgado/ gordo. Yo tengo ojos marrones, nariz pequeña y boca grande. Tengo el pelo largo y yo tengo gafas/ yo no tengo gafas. Yo soy feliz/triste. 

Who (3º)

Who’s Irene? She is my classmate.
Who is Lucas? He is my old friend.
Who are Rebeca and Julia? They are twins.
Who’s Alex? He is my old friend.
Who are Miguel and Diego? They are new friends. 

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016


To have got: tener/ haber
Long form
I have got
You have got
He has got
She has got
It has got
We have got
You have got
They have got

I have not got
You have not got
He has not got
She has not got
It has not got
We have not got
You have not got
They have not got

Have I got…?
Have you got…?
Has he got..?
Has she got…?
Has it got…?
Have we got…?
Have you got…?
Have they got…?

Short form
I’ve got
You’ve got
He’s got
She’s got
It’s got
We’ve got
You’ve got
They’ve got

I haven’t got
You haven’t got
He hasn’t got
She hasn’t got
It hasn’t got
We haven’t got
You haven’t got
They haven’t got

Yes, I have.  
No, you haven’t
Yes, he has.
No, she hasn’t.
No, it hasn’t.
Yes, we have.
Yes, you have.
No, they haven’t.


I have got: Yo tengo;  I haven’t got: yo no tengo

Lamp: lámpara; pet: mascota; desk: pupitre.

1. Yo tengo un pupitre. Yo no tengo un pupitre.
1. I have got a desk. I haven’t got a desk.  

2. Yo tengo una lámpara. Yo no tengo una lámpara.
2. I have got a lamp. I haven’t got a lamp. 

3. Yo tengo una mascota. Yo no tengo una mascota.
3. I have got a pet. I haven’t got a pet.  

4. Yo tengo un perro. Yo no tengo un perro.
4. I have got a dog. I haven’t got a dog. 

1.       ¿Tienes un pupitre? Sí./ No.
Have you got a desk? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

2.       ¿Tienes una lámpara? Sí./ No.
Have you got a lamp? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

3.       ¿Tienes una mascota? Sí./No
Have you got a pet? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

4.       ¿Tienes un perro? Sí./ No.

Have you got a dog? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. 


2º) He hasn’t got a big nose.
3. We haven’t got curly hair.
4. They haven’t got glasses.

5. She hasn’t got  green eyes.

I’ve got = yo tengo
Blue/green/ brown/ black eyes:
ojos azules/ verdes/ marrones/ negros.
Big/ small mouth: boca grande/pequeña
Long/ short hair: pelo largo/ corto
Curly/ straight hair : pelo rizado/ liso.
Glasses: gafas